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  1. Bob Arsenault
    January 14, 2018 @ 12:16 pm

    Thank you for the reminder from Scripture to “shine”!
    As Internet marketers, we have a strange existence: part hidden and part ultra-connected. We work from behind a computer keyboard, typically alone and yet, we can be incredibly influential as we “put ourselves out there. We can, in fact, engineer the image the world sees. Let’s be sure the image we present reflects the Image of our Lord. That way we’ll be sure to “shine”!


    • Roy Bretton
      January 21, 2018 @ 2:43 pm

      Thank you for taking the time to comment Bob, I appreciate it! It’s very true what you said Bob, we work alone, but we have huge potential to be influential and lift up others. I want my faith in God to shine through this website and to be a blessing to people.

      Blessings to you Bob,
