Don’t Do Like I Did! Learn How To Make Money Online Successfully!
Don’t Do Like I Did! Learn How To Make Money Online Successfully!
Getting Started
I have been making money online since 2007, but I started researching Internet marketing back in 2004. I used to find the Internet very painful to use with the old-fashioned dial-up connection, however, when broadband became available in my area it changed everything! All of a sudden the Internet became usable and I could see the huge potential and the opportunities that the Internet has opened up, in other words, I saw the power of the Internet!
I was very keen to take advantage of the power of the Internet and I could see the life-changing effects that it could have in the world, in a good way. I started researching Internet marketing and how to make money online etc, I found all sorts of different programs that would promise to make me a millionaire almost overnight, however, we all know that this is not true. I know that there have been massive success stories online and people have made serious amounts of money but like every business, online or off-line we have to work at it.
Purchasing the Wrong Information
I purchased many different products trying to learn about how to make money online, many of these products were very poor products and I didn’t really learn much at all from. However, I did purchase some better products and over the months and years I started to learn things about making money online, however, it was a very long and expensive process, I really needed to have proper training, but as far as I was aware this was not available at the time. I literally spent thousands of pounds on buying products that didn’t work, I’m very thankful that this does not happen now, I am part of an Internet marketing membership site that you can see here.
I Started Making Money Online
It was 2007 when I finally had my first moneymaking website up and running, it took a lot of work and time to get to that place, I was finally making money. I was able to build this website up and make money through Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, the eBay partnership programme, allowing other people to sell products on my website and selling advertising space. So, in other words, I had different income streams coming in from just one website.
I Was Working Blind
The biggest problem I had was that I was working blind and I didn’t know what was true and what wasn’t true. I also had bright shiny object syndrome where I would buy a product and then potentially the next day find something that I thought was even better, this doesn’t work and please don’t do it.
I Have the Answer for You
Thankfully, I have the answer for you and that is to join a genuine platform that teaches you the correct way to make money online, it shows you step-by-step everything you need to know to make money online. There are a serious of many training videos followed by action steps to get you to your ultimate goal which is to make money online. The platform also offers quality web hosting for up to 25 websites, more than enough for the average Internet marketer!
You can read my review of Wealthy Affiliate here
The benefit of belonging to a membership site is that you are mixing with like-minded people, it gives you the opportunity to ask questions and learn from other people. When I started out, I was working totally alone and had to find everything out for myself, it was extremely difficult. You can actually sign up free of charge, no credit card is needed and you can learn two of the training modules which will give you a good idea if you like the platform. I cannot recommend this platform enough, I would definitely recommend upgrading to Premium as the benefits are fantastic.
Thank you for reading and watching, if you have any comments please put them below.
November 5, 2018 @ 7:41 am
Hi Roy,
I have purchased so many worng products too or even if they were not that bad I was not dedicated enough. WA community is really cool and helpful and I think it is worth trying for everybody. How did you get into WA for the first time? Thank you for this helpful article!
November 10, 2018 @ 6:37 am
Hi Andrea,
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my blog post. I hear you 100%, big time in your first two sentences, I was exactly the same Andrea! Being part of Wealthy Affiliate is fantastic, it is so different to how I started working online, which was totally blind, I know that I’m reading and learning correct information from the owners!
I was a member of a smaller Internet marketing membership site which to be fair was an excellent site and in fact probably for 18 months I was a member of both platforms. However, I had to make the decision to belong to one membership site, so I made the decision to make wealthy affiliate my Internet marketing training platform. I can’t really remember how I found Wealthy Affiliate, I believe it may be through people talking on the other Internet marketing training platform.
I’m very happy to be part of the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
November 5, 2018 @ 7:44 am
Hi Roy
I really liked this article as I can relate to it on a personal level. Many things you have written is what I experienced before I found.
I’ve gone on to read your Wealthy Affiliate review and I think I’ve found a real game changer here!
How long does it take to master the strageties? I’m realistic to know that successful businesses aren’t built in a day !
December 17, 2018 @ 7:14 am
Hello Darren,
I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog post. I think many of us who are working online today have learnt the hard way, I find it very refreshing when I see young people or even older people who have came to Wealthy Affiliate and start making money within a few months! Wealthy Affiliate has definitely made it very straightforward to create an online business, if people follow the training and take action, they will make money, I believe that consistency is always a big key to making money online.
In answer to your question Darren, I think by completing the training at Wealthy Affiliate people can learn extremely quickly and can actually be making money within six months. It took me three years to get my first proper moneymaking website up and running, I actually made money within the first 24 hours of the website being live, although this is probably partly due to the fact that I had a lot of content on the website in the back office before we actually went live!
Any business takes time to start, but I do believe that now is the time to start an online business! Here is the link to get started free of charge, no credit card needed.
November 5, 2018 @ 7:45 am
Hi Roy, Thanks for sharing your journey of making money online. You are right, it is not an easy journey to make real income online. It is not a get rich quick kind of thing. It needs dedication, focus and hard work. But when you finally see results, you can indeed be proud of your hard work. I agree with you, Wealthy Affiliate is the best program to show beginners direction in this online world.
December 17, 2018 @ 7:07 am
Thank you for taking the time to comment Jane.
It is not always easy to get started online, but it definitely helps if we have platform that is trustworthy and can guide us along the way, this is something that Wealthy Affiliate does in a really great way. We can literally earn and learn at the same time, I do not know a better way to start an online business.
Had I have known about Wealthy Affiliate when I first started back in 2004, it would have literally saved me thousands!
Enjoy your day.
November 5, 2018 @ 7:48 am
Hi Roy,
Thank you for sharing your advice on online money making options. I see you have been an online marketer for sometime. Can you share the names of the schemes you tried but didn’t work for you? Perhaps why they didn’t work and what worked best? Online marketing is a long and sometimes arduous road and you really do have to stick at it. There is definitely no such thing as overnight success but I would love to know if there are things out there that actually do work and what you need to do to be that successful person.
Thanks again and look forward to the next review.
December 17, 2018 @ 7:03 am
Hello Melanie, thank you taking the time to comment on my blog post.
You have actually given me a very good idea and maybe this is something that I need to be doing, commenting or reviewing products that I have purchased in the past. The only problem that I may have is that I guess some of the products are no longer available, although I can probably still write about my experience.
Enjoy your day.
November 5, 2018 @ 7:50 am
Great post and good info.
I use Wealthy Affiliate to build up my site and being an online marketeer.
This platform is the best you can have, the trainings are wonderful, the community amazing and the owners fantastic.
You will become a very good one when you join it and earn good money.
So don’t hesitate and join now!
December 17, 2018 @ 7:00 am
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog post Emmanuel, I really do appreciate it.
You sound like another satisfied customer, in other words, someone who appreciates Wealthy Affiliate and all it has to offer. There is a wrong way and a right way to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate teaches you the right way to start an online business, as you mentioned Emmanuel, why not start today!
November 5, 2018 @ 7:50 am
Thank you for speaking on this topic, Obliviously I was a baby when Dial-up came out and when my dad and I talk about it I become VERY confused! He talks about how internet use to be free when it came out and how crazy it is that it has grown so much in the last what 10+ years. And how he can not wait to see when computers just get up and start typing for themselves and take the ideas from humans brains lol! W/A has helped me so much in the last month or so and I am grateful for it! Thanks for all that you do
December 17, 2018 @ 6:56 am
Thank you DaYanna, thank you for taking the time to comment, I do appreciate it. It is amazing how quickly the Internet has grown and is also amazing how the Internet became usable overnight due to broadband, the power of the Internet never fails to amaze me.
Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to learn about Internet marketing, I don’t know of a better way to learn, unfortunately, I learnt the hard way, but the Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best way to learn and quickest way to get from A to B.
November 5, 2018 @ 7:53 am
Hi Roy,
I believe that this is the best definitive guide for for people who are interested to do online business. I would absolutely agree with all your testimonials about wealthy affiliate.
If anyone is reading my comment, I encourage you to join and become a member of wealthy affiliate through this website — because ONLY WEALTHY AFFILIATE is the most trustworthy online money maker.
November 7, 2018 @ 5:42 am
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog post Julie, I really do appreciate it.
Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the best platform that I have seen on how to teach you how to make money online, I have been a member of three different Internet marketing membership sites and Wealthy Affiliate definitely comes out on top.
Enjoy your day Julie.
November 5, 2018 @ 11:59 am
Internet marketing has come a long way.. today there are more internet platforms than ever. It’s become a maze of which way do I go and which one is the best one. I am extremely grateful to Wealthy Affiliate for changing my life and my attitude towards Internet Mareting. I am an earning while I am learning. Membership is very reasonable. I have signed up to Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Sale for three years running and have made a tremendous saving. I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate
November 10, 2018 @ 6:41 am
Hello Richard,
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog post, I do appreciate it. I agree with you Richard, I’m very grateful to Wealthy Affiliate for helping me along, I’m also very grateful to my Webmaster for the past eight years who has helped me a lot, it has been a great privilege to know him.
The Black Friday deals are a great way to save money and I believe you have made a great decision.
November 5, 2018 @ 12:57 pm
Hey Roy,
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Everybody makes mistake when start venturing into online business. They’re think Internet can made them rich overnight with those hyped up and costly programs. They even chase after the shine object things which doesn’t required at all.
What we need is the right mindset and right platform (legit and ethical) that able to provide all the essentials you need to succeed in your online business.
Great advice and all the best to you.
November 7, 2018 @ 5:39 am
Thank you for taking the time to reply Zayn,
In the early days of learning about Internet marketing, I was running after bright shiny objects far too much, as I thought each one had something better to offer, but as we know this isn’t the case! The most important thing is to have the right platform which teaches you the correct way to make money online and in a ethical way.
Enjoy your day Zayn.
November 5, 2018 @ 2:26 pm
Thanks for sharing your wonderful heart warming experience with us. Some people dont realize that getting to the point where you start earning a steady income in affiliate marketing can take a very long time and process along the way which often makes beginners or newbies quit their journey.
Its definitely wise for any beginner new to affiliate marketing to join Wealthy Affiliate to start their affiliate journey so they dont make the same mistakes most people make.
Great Post!! Really appreciate it
November 7, 2018 @ 5:34 am
Thank you for taking the time to write a comment on my blog post, I do appreciate it. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the way forward, if I had found this platform back in 2004 when I first started researching Internet marketing it would have saved me thousands!