A Work From Home Job That Works!
A work from home job that works!
I would like to show you a work from home job that works! The rev.com website offers a video transcription service, they are also looking for people to work with them to transcribe videos. rev.com offers this particular service and today I would like to talk to you about their transcription service. Incidentally, if you would like to learn more about money online you can read my, “Getting Started Online Guide”.
Video Transcription Service
I believe that many of us have made videos on YouTube etc and we would like our video transcribed and yes I know that we can do this ourselves but for most of the problem is having time to do this task. Rev actually offers this service for one dollar per minute of video. Rev employs professional people who can transcribe your video for you which will enable you to carry on with other important tasks that you have to do. I have a friend who has a highly successful Internet marketing business and she sends all her videos off to Rev to be transcribed as she has many other tasks that she needs to carry out.
Online Jobs
If you are a student or someone who works from home or maybe you are seeking part-time work, this could be a straightforward opportunity for you to earn some extra money. If you go to the transcription job application page you will see the test that you have to carry out the see if you are accepted. I actually carried out this particular test it is a very straightforward test with step-by-step instructions if I remember rightly it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. I believe that you will receive an answer within about 48 hours.
I Know That People Need A Transcription Service
I know that people need a transcription service as I for one sometimes need videos transcribed and I know that several of my friends also use this particular service for video transcriptions. You could also try carrying out this service yourself by going to fiverr.com for example, and creating a gig for video transcription’s, however, I would make sure that you are competent before you try anything like this, it’s probably best to start working through rev.com to gain confidence in this particular service.
If you have any comments, please feel free to comment below.
Roy Bretton
The Christian Internet Marketer