How To Be Successful At Wealthy Affiliate

How To Be Successful At Wealthy Affiliate
Maybe you have just joined Wealthy Affiliate and you are thinking I really don’t know how to be successful at Wealthy Affiliate. I remember when I first joined Wealthy Affiliate four years ago and I was looking all around the website trying to find out where to start, there seemed to be a terrific amount of information and training videos to watch. I had already been working online since 2007 so I didn’t particularly want to go through all the training, however, I decided it would be good to go through the training, basically because we never stop learning! Although I know a reasonable amount about Internet marketing and working online it never fails to amaze me what tips we can still pick up from something we think we already know!
If you are reading this blog post and you haven’t a clue what Wealthy Affiliate is, you may like to read my blog post, “Getting Started Online”, it explains a bit more and about the Wealthy Affiliate platform. The Internet has opened up huge opportunities for all of us, it has changed the way we do things in the way we go about our lives in general. The power of the Internet never fails to amaze me, I find it absolutely astounding the number of business opportunities that have arisen through the Internet.
Choose A Niche That Interests You
I believe that choosing the right niche is probably the most important decision that you will make when you are building your online business, try not to look at how much money your niche will make, but rather look at things like, can I write about this niche, does it interest me, am I excited about this subject. I cannot think of anything worse than having a niche that potentially can make you money and yet you have no interest in the subject, I can almost guarantee that you will fail if you don’t have an interest in your niche.
I have several different websites, but they are all subjects that I have an interest in, I believe that this makes a huge difference when we are writing about our niche. Interestingly enough, I did hear the other day about someone who was promoting slimming products and he said that he had no real interest in slimming as he was already extremely slim, but he was in this niche for the money. Apparently, it was working for him, but it is not something I would recommend, I like to keep things simple and easy.
Research Your Niche
It is important to research your niche and this is very easy if we have an interest in our niche. Often when I am working on my off-line business I will suddenly get a blog post title or something of interest in my head which I think will be useful information, I will write a note in Google Keep as a reminder to myself, if I don’t keep a note, I will probably forget the headline!
Wealthy Affiliate comes with a free keyword tool to help you find various keywords to help you research your niche, you can see the Jaaxy keyword tool here, there is also a paid upgrade available for those of you who want a keyword tool with a bit more.
Find A Domain Name
Finally, you need to find a domain name for your niche, you can purchase a domain name here or a domain name can be purchased from Wealthy Affiliate. Choose your domain name wisely, the free Jaaxy keyword tool can give you good suggestions for your domain name. Make sure that you don’t have any dashes or abbreviations in our domain name, people never remember where the dashes are while searching for your domain name. If the domain name you are looking for has already been taken, try and be clever, for example I have the domain name which goes to a Wealthy Affiliate landing page, obviously quite a few similar names have already been taken, but if you can be slightly clever normally find a domain name similar to what you require.
Build Your Website
Please don’t be daunted by this headline, “build your website”, many people become put off when they hear things like this but I can assure you it is not difficult to put a website up. If you follow the training you will be successful at Wealthy Affiliate. It properly takes about one minute to put a WordPress website up, Wealthy Affiliate has made it unbelievably simple to do, just follow the training and you will see how easy it is to build your own website. Before I was a member of Wealthy Affiliate I had never put my own website up, I just left it to my Webmaster as I didn’t want the hassle of building a website. I promise you that the Wealthy Affiliate training videos will take you through the process of building a website step-by-step, amazingly easy, if I can do it, I’m sure you can!
Create Content for Your Website
So you now have your website up and running and now you need to start writing content, a website with no content will go nowhere! I cannot underestimate the importance of writing quality and useful content for your website. Maybe you find the thought of writing content for your website rather daunting, I think most of us do unless we are a professional writer. I remember my first website being built for my off-line business back in 2004 and I imagined that the Webmaster would write the content for me, unfortunately, this wasn’t the case, I had to write the content. I may not be the best writer in the world, but it definitely gets easier and we get quicker every time we write, as they say, practice makes perfect.
Now You Need To Monetise Your Website
So now you have your website up and running and you have some pieces of content, so now’s the time to start monetising your website. There are a number of different ways you can do this, my very first moneymaking website started off with Google AdSense, I then started adding affiliate programs which worked very well my niche. The best way to find affiliate programs is to carry out a search in Google, for example, if fishing is your niche, you could type into Google, “fishing affiliate programs” I don’t know anything about this niche, but I imagine quite a few affiliate programs would come up in your search.
There are literally thousands of different affiliate programs, Amazon probably being the largest affiliate program, I’m not promoting Amazon at the moment, I probably will use Amazon in the future, just search Google and find the right affiliate program for you.
So Let’s Get Started Now!
So let’s get started now and prove yourself that you can be successful at Wealthy Affiliate. The best place to start is at the beginning and here is a link to lesson one at Wealthy Affiliate, do not miss any of the videos unless you are an experienced Internet marketer. Wealthy Affiliate is designed to teach you how to make money online, they will take you through every single step that you need to be successful at Wealthy Affiliate, make sure you take action on every video training module and complete the tasks before going onto the next video.
Thank you for reading.
Please feel free to comment below.
Roy Bretton
The Christian Internet Marketer