Do You Have The Right People Around You to Succeed?
I speak to many people about having a home-based business on the Internet, many people just seem to find the task too daunting and even lonely. I will try and explain how I started and the quickest way to move the home business or Internet business forward.
I Lost A Lot Of Money
it wasn’t until broadband came available in my area that I saw the power and the potential of the Internet, prior to this with the old-fashioned dial-up, I found the Internet hard work and really not very practical, apart from sending emails. When I saw the potential of the Internet I started searching for ways to make money online. The search is brought up all sorts of products, all promising to make you thousands almost thousand by the end of the month, obviously, this was very false but I was very hungry to find out more about making money online and earning a potential living from home.
I was very eager to learn so I purchased an Internet marketing product, I can remember taking me many hours to work out how to use the product and actually, in the end, I gave up and went on to the next shiny new object. I have no idea how much these Internet marketing products cost me altogether or even how many products I purchased, I would guess that it was around 30 to 40 different products.
Out of all the products I purchased, I did actually learn something and some of the products were genuine, but it was a very hard long-winded process. I think some of the best products I purchased was a couple of Google AdSense courses which I believe are by Andrew Fox and Joel Comm. My first money making website was actually a Google AdSense site, although I soon monetised it even more with affiliate products. I have to say that the AdSense income gave me a regular paycheck every month.
I Needed Help And People To Connect With
The Internet marketing game seemed pretty difficult at times because I never knew if the information I was reading was correct, sometimes the information was just someone trying to sell you there particular product. About 5 or 6 years ago years ago I joined an Internet marketing membership site, this particular site had step-by-step videos on building a website and step-by-step videos on how to monetise a website. One of the best features was having a forum to ask all my questions, this was such a useful feature and often the questions would be answered in a matter of minutes. I found the Internet marketing membership site so useful that I actually joined another membership site, which was packed with even more information.
The second membership site that I joined was even bigger and I don’t want to put the previous Internet marketing membership site down as it was really excellent, but this new membership site that I joined was even better. There’s a huge amount of training videos, which take you through every training process that you can think of step-by-step and there is a forum to ask questions, the forum is open to the whole community, so you can ask the question and answer other members questions. I actually only belong to one Internet marketing membership site now, I have tried three membership sites, but I believe the one that I am with presently, is the best.
There are more great features that I will go into greater detail at a later date, as there is too much content to put in to this particular blog post. If you would like to take a look at this Internet marketing membership site, you can take a look at my personal profile here.
One of the biggest benefits that an Internet marketing membership site gives you is people to help you and encourage you along the way. One of the biggest problems I had when I first started out in Internet marketing was that I didn’t know if the information that I was reading was correct or true, but when you have a trustworthy membership site, it takes any doubts away. When I first started the process of making money online was very hit and miss and a lot of guesswork. I have to say that making money online has got easier and if I was starting again, I would definitely recommend a membership site with an active community. If I had known about Internet marketing membership sites 10 years ago I would have got from A to B much much quicker and I wouldn’t have spent literally thousands of pounds on useless products.
Please feel free to comment below and to ask me any questions you may have.
The Christian Internet Marketer
January 9, 2018 @ 12:12 pm
Hello Roy, thanks for sharing this wonderful blog with us. Just like you, I have wasted a lot of money trying to make legitimate money online due to scams online. I have finally came across WA and took the step by step courses within the community. I am currently working hard to work my business, and hopefully success will come in due time. Thanks again, and I wish you the best of luck within your niche!!!
January 11, 2018 @ 10:20 am
This is great news Ahmad, I think many of us have been in the same situation and this is why I want to encourage people in making money online the right way and a way that works. I appreciate you taking the time to comment, thank you.