A Quick Walk through Wealthy Affiliate – And How It Can Benefit You
A Quick Walkthrough Wealthy Affiliate – And How It Can Benefit You
Maybe you have just come across Wealthy Affiliate or you have just joined and maybe feeling a bit lost, I want to give you a quick walkthrough Wealthy Affiliate and how it can benefit you. Maybe you are new to making money online and you need some help, you may find my “Getting Started Online” blog post helps to get you going.
So Let’s Get Going
If you click on the photograph of the screen below this will take you to the quick walk-through Wealthy Affiliate and how it can benefit you, I will also write below some of the great benefits that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. I have been making money online since 2007, I’ve been a member of wealthy affiliate since 2014 and I have never looked back! I cannot stress the importance of being taught the correct way, I learnt the hard way and I don’t want you to do the same, you can read my blog post, “Don’t Do like I Did! Learn to make money online successfully!” This will help you learn from the mistakes that I made.

The Wealthy Affiliate Platform
There’s a huge amount of content on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform and I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed before you have even started. I must admit when I first started, I was fairly experienced at making money online, but as there is so much content on Wealthy Affiliate it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start when you first come to the site. You can read my “Getting Started Online” guide, it may help you to get started quicker.
As you login to Wealthy Affiliate, you will come to the home page, this will show you where to get started and everything that is going on and all the featured latest blog posts and questions. Incidentally, if you don’t have an account at Wealthy Affiliate, I would suggest signing up for a free account right now, you don’t need a credit card and you can remain a free member for as long as you like. However, I would recommend upgrading to Premium as soon as you are ready as this gives you access to all the benefits that Wealthy Affiliate offers, in the meantime, you can still gain a huge amount of knowledge just being a free member and trying out the platform. I actually became a premium member immediately as I could see the benefits and I was already making money online, so I kind of knew what I was doing, don’t feel pressured to be premium, just go premium you feel you are ready.
The Top Header Menu
You will see in the top header that you have various notifications, which include, ask a question, send someone a direct message, credits, promoting Wealthy Affiliate complete with all the links and banners that you need, the number of sales you have made and new notifications.
If you click on each of the various buttons it will show you in greater detail what is available, there is everything you need to help you grow your online business. I believe that Wealthy Affiliate is probably the best Internet marketing membership site for learning how to make money online, the support is fantastic, if you have a question, you can ask it to the community and you will very quickly receive an answer, if you have a website problem, you can talk to the support team or ask the community, which is fantastic. You can also create your own training videos and share them with others and write blog posts and share your experience, challenges and more.

The Sidebar Menu
There is also a sidebar menu which shows you your own profile, how you rank, how many blog posts you have written and how many people are in your network. Clicking on your own profile picture will open up a whole lot more options which you can click on to find out more, this really is a comprehensive website, full of really good information.
The sidebar menu also has the following categories, dashboard, training, websites, live events, research, live chat and help centre. All of these categories open up to more subcategories which will help you navigate to exactly where you want to go.
The First Thing You Need to Do
The first thing you need to do to get started is to go to the training at the top of your page where it says start here, don’t try and miss out any steps otherwise you will be making it difficult for yourself, just follow the video training and take action on every step. I don’t know a better way to learn about Internet marketing than the Wealthy Affiliate way, you potentially earn as you learn and grow your business at the same time. Please don’t expect to be earning money straight away as it takes time to build an online business, just implement every training video and put into practice what you have learnt and you will be successful. Don’t rush, don’t miss any videos, just go at your own pace, but if you can try do something every day or at least nearly every day in this way you will quickly make progress and probably see results sooner than you expected.
If you click on the training link on the left-hand sidebar, this will bring up all different training modules, as you can see, I am working on the Affiliate Boot Camp module, there is a huge amount of training that you can go through and I will not explain it here as there is too much to go through. You can see that Wealthy Affiliate shows you exactly where you last left off, which is great, there is no need to write down how far you have come, you will be just taken to where you last left off. You can click on the various different training modules to see what’s available, however, if you are a beginner I would definitely recommend following the strategy that Wealthy Affiliate teach you to implement and take action at every necessary step.
At the end of each training video, there are various action steps you need to complete, you can then tick the boxes once you have completed all the training steps. Once you have completed all the training steps you can then go on to the next training module, in my mind, this is an absolutely perfect way to learn and to grow your business at the same time.
Building Your Own Website
I think you will be utterly amazed at how quickly you can grow your knowledge here at Wealthy Affiliate. Clicking on the left-hand menu bar on websites will give you many choices, one of the choices is to build your own website, something that you probably didn’t realise you could do! You can literally put up a website in 30 seconds, it is absolutely amazing! And yes, you do have to do more work once your website is up, but I have to say this is the quickest and easiest way to build your own website. You can see the video below on creating a website in 30 seconds.
Buying Your Own Domain
Maybe you have never purchased your own domain, Wealthy Affiliate enables you to purchase your own domain, however, you can buy a cheaper domain here and have 24-hour telephone support which is probably your best option.
Free Website Hosting
Did you know that Wealthy Affiliate offers you free hosting for up to 25 websites which is more than enough for most people, I actually only started using the Wealthy Affiliate hosting a few months ago and I have been very impressed with the performance. I actually had my own hosting provider that I used, which worked fine but I’ve actually found the Wealthy Affiliate hosting better and it saves me money every month.
Live Webinars
Wealthy Affiliate offers live training on various Internet marketing subjects, these various training webinars are actually recorded and all archived, there are literally hundreds of different live webinars that you can watch. I’ve actually never watched the live training webinar, due to the fact I live in the United Kingdom at the time difference! I’m an early riser, normally rising at 5 AM, although today I was up at 4:30 AM! I will probably attend a live webinar one day, the benefits being that we can actually ask a live question, having said this we can still ask a question afterwards.
Jaaxy Keyword Tool
Another great benefit to the Wealthy Affiliate Platform is the Jaaxy keyword tool which enables you to search for various keywords to help you grow your online business more quickly and efficiently. There is an upgrade available for those who want a little bit more from there keyword tool, however, the free version is more than enough for most people, in fact, I am using the free version at the moment although I may upgrade at a later date. There are full training videos that complement the Jaaxy keyword tool which explains everything in full.
Do People Make Money With An Online Business?
This is a question many people ask and the fact is you can make money online, I have been making money online since 2007 and I know that the Internet has opened up huge opportunities that we could have never dreamed of a few years ago. There are actually many success stories here at Wealthy Affiliate, I normally hear a success story on a daily basis, it is such a wonderful thing.
All I can say is, take action, go through the training, ask questions, find your niche, (make sure that it is something you enjoy) and you will make money! Some people ask me how long does it take to make money online, this is a very difficult question, but one thing I can say is that the more you put in the more you will get out. He won’t be making money this time tomorrow, but if you start today you will be one step nearer to making money online and potentially giving up your full-time job, so take action today click on the banner below.
I Have Some Bonuses For You
I have some bonuses for you, if you sign up to premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate I will give you 30 minutes of my time over a Skype call.
Secondly, I will give you a special package that will help to give your business a head start.
And thirdly, I will give you a 59% discount for the first month that you become a premium member, which will make your membership $19 for the first month.
Just message me and we can arrange these bonuses.
Please feel free to leave comments and questions below.
Roy Bretton
The Christian Internet Marketer
December 8, 2018 @ 9:13 pm
Thanks for your post! Wealthy Affiliate is definitely one of the best places to get started making money online. I love all of their features and the things you can do with it are truly powerful.
December 16, 2018 @ 7:29 am
Thank you Kevin, I hear you big time! I believe that Wealthy Affiliate is the best Internet marketing training platform on the web, we receive huge functionality and great value for money and we literally earn as we learn.
December 19, 2018 @ 5:55 am
Thanks for your great post about Wealthy Affiliate.And definitely Wealthy Affiliate is the best and biggest Online training Platform.Thanks again for sharing great resources with us.
December 19, 2018 @ 8:01 am
Thank you for taking the time to comment Nazmum, I do appreciate it.
I have been a member of three different Internet marketing training platforms and Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best!