About The Christian Internet Marketer

Welcome to The Christian Internet Marketer, I have been working online since around 2007, I really enjoy working online and enjoy the flexibility and opportunities that working on the Internet can bring. I’ve been self-employed since 1984 and I still have an off-line business and I have had a couple of small businesses that I have sold over the years. I’ve been a born-again Christian for over 20 years, my faith means everything to me and I love seeing lives changed through the power of God. I decided that it would be a good idea to create a website where I can share more about my faith and genuine ideas on how to earn money online. I believe that we are living in an age where the Internet has opened up absolutely amazing opportunities, I often refer to the Internet as, the businessman’s best friend!
A Very Brief History Of My Life
I have always been a great lover of the outdoors and have always loved the countryside. I started off working in private gardens before I left school and then when I left school I started working in agriculture an interest that I had had a huge interest in since around the age of 5 years old. Unfortunately or fortunately I soon realized that the income from working on a farm was very low at the time, so I soon started doing more of my own work which was more horticultural based, I have never regretted going self-employed at 18 years old, to this day I still have a huge interest in agriculture, but for me, I think I’m better off being an onlooker!
I had my first Windows computer back in 2001, I had never used a computer in my life before, it took me a long time to actually get the hang of using one, especially with the old-fashioned dial-up, which was so painfully slow. I think it was around 2005 when I first had a broadband connection, to me this changed everything! All of a sudden I could see that the Internet had huge potential, my Internet connection had literally changed overnight and I suddenly saw amazing potential and opportunities for making money online.
I started to search the Internet on ways to make money online and unfortunately brought into all sorts of spam products that really didn’t promise what they said on the package. Having said this, I learned a lot through making many mistakes. I don’t know how many products I purchased, but it was certainly ran into several dozen, I have never been able to bring myself to calculate how much I have spent on these products! Incidentally, although I brought some pretty bad products, I also bought some very genuine products to. I’m much more careful now when I buy a brand-new shiny object, although this is very rare now.
In 2007, I set up my first moneymaking website, (I had already had my first website back in 2004 for an off-line business that I had). The website was selling garden machinery and equipment, something that really interests me. The website originally started off as an AdSense site, if I remember rightly I also started selling machinery on the website before it actually went live. I believe within the first 24 hours I had already sold a product and I had AdSense revenue coming in. I went on to also selling advertising space on the website and more! Within quite a short time the website was averaging around 42,000 page views a month, once again the power of the Internet never fails to amaze me.
There are many many ways to make money online and I hope to share some legitimate and genuine ideas that can help you create an income from your own home and free up time. Just remember, that with any business, whether online or off-line it does take effort and time and there is no quick way to make money overnight.
I have learned a lot since I first started working on the Internet and I still have a lot to learn, but it is something that I really enjoy and the power of the Internet, really fascinates me.
My faith in God
I have been a Bible believing Christian for over 20 years now and it means a huge amount to me. I was brought up in strong Christian home, but as a teenager and right up into my late twenties I lost my faith totally, in fact, I really did believe in God at all and I would give Christians a hard time whenever the opportunity arose!
I remember thinking many times in my late twenties there has to be more to life than just working, surely we don’t just work and work and then just die? I used to look around me and I saw all the surrounding beauty, someone had to have created this beautiful scenery and landscape that surrounded me.
I remember that first day that I walked back into a church, in fact, a large Pentecostal church filled with many people with their arms raised high, praising God! It felt very strange to be standing in the church amongst all these people and yet I knew it was right.
It took me a few months for church life to seem normal for me, I completed an Alpha course which gives you the opportunity to ask as many questions as you want, I had a lot of questions.
To cut a long story short my faith in God grew stronger and stronger, so much so that I have total assurance on the promises of God, I know who I am in Christ and I know that I have been given eternal life, it’s a fantastic gift.
Over the years I have had many opportunities to serve with a missionary society and in church, I have also been privileged to attend Bible school where I met some amazing people. I am very grateful to have seen the miraculous and impossible, I truly love the things of God and the life changing effect it has on the people who know him.
Why I Want To Help You
I have been earning money online now since around 2007, although prior to this I was doing a terrific amount of research on the Internet, trying to find out more, it wasn’t easy. I brought into many false and spam products that didn’t do what they said on the package, I also had “shiny object syndrome”, which means, looking for the next moneymaking scam.
Over the years of working online, I have learned a huge amount and I am still learning in fact we never stop learning. I want to try to help you by learning the proper way and getting proper training. For the past 6 years I have been involved with membership sites, if you find the right membership site it can move your business forward very quickly, although it will still take time. I actually only belong to one membership site at the present time, the other membership sites that I belonged to were very good, but this is my preferred membership site, you can see my profile here.
The Goal Of My Website
The purpose of this website is to encourage you into your full potential and to get there in the quickest and easiest possible way. However, I have to be real, it takes time to get a business going whether it is an offline or online business. Patience hard work and consistency are the key things and having the right people around you is extremely important. As a Christian, I have faith in God to guide me in my everyday life.
If you would like to start learning about how to make money online you are welcome to start a free account at Wealthy Affiliate and learn how to be successful online, I am here to help you and to answer your questions.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
Roy Bretton
January 16, 2018 @ 4:21 am
Hi Roy,
Loved your history and journey share on your website.
Sharing yourself and your time is a great blessing. Giving is what we are here to do.
Although at present I am attempting to do share as well we always could be placed in need at a moments notice. That is the World we live.
Good luck on your journey. Blessings on you brother.
January 16, 2018 @ 6:16 am
Thank you for your comment Robert, I appreciate you taking the time to read my short story, I am glad that you enjoyed it. All the best to you, The Christian Internet Marketer.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:30 am
Roy, This is a good read for any believer, and hopefully anyone for that matter, I agree that this is certainly the Lords technology. For me, It has become my best friend for my future business practices, as I am engaging in the affiliate marketing business now, as I always knew the potential, but as you, I ran into the roadblocks of scammers, I am now on the right pace and found a good niche as well. my endeavors really came into play with this industry when I had an inspirational moment about it with the Lord. Then the strong biblical principal of patience has helped me prevail. If you have any other thoughts of confidence for me In my new affiliate endeavour I am all ears, Jack
January 16, 2018 @ 6:31 am
Thank you for taking the time to comment Jack, I appreciated it. I think many of us have been in the same position Jack, buying the wrong products etc that don’t actually do what they say on the packet! I’m pleased to hear that you are now in the affiliate marketing business Jack and I wish you every success what you’re doing.
The Christian Internet Marketer
January 16, 2018 @ 1:03 pm
Hi Roy,
Your journey was very pleasant to read.
Sharing with others is a great thing to do. There is a big pleasure to giving.
Unfortunately not all the people on this world are like this.
Your journey was so enlightening for me as a believer.
Good luck! And God bless your brother!
January 16, 2018 @ 7:07 pm
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it! I’m glad that you found the blog post uplifting, that’s good news.
The Christian Internet Marketer
January 16, 2018 @ 1:59 pm
This is so unique. I have never seen anyone mixing internet marketing with Christianity. Both of them are wonderful and amazing!
It is very unfortunate that the income from farming is decreasing. We need farmers to produce food and crops! People aren’t as interested in growing their food anymore, which is kind of sad.
Do you still attend a Pentecostal church or did you chose a different faith? I have been going to a Methodist church lately because my neighbor is the pastor.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:14 pm
Thank you for taking the time to reply Melinda, I appreciate it. My faith in God means a lot and I thought I would try and mix the two subjects, one reason is because I’m not ashamed of the gospel and secondly I want to promote ethical products that work and share genuine success stories. I know the Internet works and I want to show people how it has opened up so many opportunities just in the past few years and more opportunities are arising every day.
I have been privileged to be part of a large Pentecostal church, but at the moment having just got married we are looking for the right Christian church that suits us both. The main thing for a church for me is that they preach the gospel of Jesus and move in the holy spirit.
All the best to you.
The Christian Internet Marketer.
May 1, 2018 @ 4:38 pm
Hey there Roy, soo cool to read your story man. I also love how you’ve presented your site.
It’s funny sometimes where the road leads you, but obviously it can’t lead you anywhere until you take a step. At the start of this year I had a goal of trying to reconnect with God but I knew it would be a slow process. Also I didn’t have any intention to try Affiliate Marketing but I recently stumbled across WA and the great community of helpers and givers it has, including yourself. This of course has now led me to your website. I think I will visit here more as you’re addressing two goals I have now. Re-igniting the ‘faith’ spark & Creating online income.
Thanks for combining the two and sharing the love!
I discovered that ‘Faith and Wealth’ are compatible after reading “Acres of Diamonds” speech by Russell Conwell
Cheers Joe:)
May 20, 2018 @ 12:16 pm
Hello Joe,
Thank you for taking the time to comment, I do appreciate it! The most important thing for me is to have faith in God, I used to be an atheist, but I was blind! I thank God for his amazing grace and that he has opened my eyes to see the supernatural, it is such a wonderful thing! I encourage you to seek first the kingdom of God Joe, it is so important and I’m sure that you will do this.
Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to connect with like-minded people and a great place to learn, I wish you every success what you are doing and I look forward to connecting with you, Roy.
July 3, 2018 @ 10:44 am
Hi Roy,
It’s nice to read about your story. I love the way you explain your background and the way you have connected with online business. I too am a born again believer and I know the power of assisting others in life.
I wonder what exactly should your readers be expecting from you? Will you be sharing your faith in connection to business? I’d love to read more articles from you so I will be on the look out.
Wishing you all the best
July 5, 2018 @ 6:38 am
Hello Paul,
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my website, I do appreciate it. It is great that you are a Christian Paul and it’s great that you can see the privileges of helping others.
My faith means a lot to me and I find it is very easy for me to talk to others about my Christian faith, my aim is to share my online journey and at the same time to share my Christian faith and connect the two together.
I look forward to connecting with you Paul and once again, thank you for taking the time to comment.