Starting A New YouTube Channel- One Month In

In this video, I want to talk about starting a new YouTube channel, which I started about a month ago. I have two other YouTube channels, which are semi-established and doing okay, they are used more for business. However, the channel that I’m referring to is something that I have wanted to do for some time. It’s also an evangelistic Christian type channel that includes current affairs and news etc.
Channel Name
The channel is called a countryman’s view; on the banner photograph, I have actually written a countryman’s view with biblical truths. In a moment, I will take you to the analytics section, so you can see how the channel is performing.
Blog post
Here you can see I’m on a platform called Wealthy Affiliate, I am now in my ninth year on the platform. The platform enables members like myself to write blog posts, ask questions and receive up-to-date training. So by me adding a blog post to the platform, it enables people to comment and make suggestions etc. In this way, we can help each other and learn from success stories, struggles and mistakes!
It’s a great platform, hence why I have been there for so many years. I believe there are over 2 million members on the platform, I appreciate that not everyone is active, but a good few members are active. This young man here known as Roope, has been highly successful, especially on YouTube. So he is a great man to learn from, especially when it comes to YouTube, as he has a huge number of subscribers. As you can see in the video, one of his posts reads $13,357 in one month from one affiliate programme with no blogging! It looks like he must be doing something right!
Incidentally, if you want to join the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you can join with a free account here. You can also see my profile here. I can firmly recommend the platform as it has helped me considerably. However, I also appreciate being around like-minded people where we can share ideas and thoughts etc. So let’s get back to my update about Google analytics.
Google Analytics
So, I’m now on my analytics page within my YouTube channel. You can see that the channel has had 840 views in the last 28 days. The watch hours are 23.3 hours and I have gained 18 subscribers in approximately one month. When I first started the channel, I made two videos and then had a gap of seven days. For the past 28 days, I have created a video every day.
You can see on the graph that the views have gone up and down and there is one extra large peak in the graph. It then has a fairly steady line, however, it looks like the line is going up slightly again. Just yesterday, the channel received 51 views.
If we have a look at the channel content, we can see at a glance how many views and comments etc. have been made. You can see here on 24th of January, I had a video that has so far received 386 views. Most of these views happened in a very short period over a matter of days. The views are still increasing slightly but it is interesting how the views were really quite sudden and then drop off again. The video has received 16 likes. The title of the video is called “end times – people will become offended”!
You can see the previous day, I had six views on a video, the day before, five views and the next day, eight views. I am not quite sure why people should like that particular video, but they did! Another video entitled “are we living in end times” reached 120 views and 11 likes, with 12 comments.
Learn From Google Analytics
So, from all these figures, we need to learn through the analytics and see what works and what people like and don’t like. I appreciate that it is early days at the moment, but I will be carrying out some research within the analytics.
To Conclude
I will bring you another update in a month’s time to let you know how the channel is going. My plan is to try and publish a video every month. A very useful feature on YouTube is the fact that we can schedule videos. So to save time, I try and create a few videos in one go. It’s much quicker than creating them individually.
If you have any questions, I am here to help. You contact me through my YouTube channel or here. You can see here an older post that explains the best way to get started online.