How to add an image or photograph to your Gmail

How to add an image or photograph to your Gmail account.
It’s always a good idea to have a photograph on your Gmail accounts and related Google accounts. Many of us, including myself have several Gmail accounts and when you are scrolling down looking for various accounts, I find it very useful to be able to recognise the account by a certain image or photograph.
In this video I take you through the steps to add a photograph to your Gmail account.
The first option is to go to your Gmail account and click on the icon where your photograph will be shown on the far right hand of the screen, once you have uploaded it. This will then bring up a circle with your initial in the centre and the option says “change”. Click on this and then it will take you to the upload my photograph screen, this video will show you the alternative way which I will explain to you now.
The second option is to go to your Gmail account, go to the settings icon, which looks like a cog and then in the drop down menu, click on “settings” and then scroll down the page will take you to “my picture”. Then click on “select picture” and then click on “choose file” and choose a file from a destination on your computer and then just adjust the box to show the correct part of the image that you want to be seen.
Just remember that it does take a few hours normally before you see your image live.
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The Christian Internet Marketer