How To Create Menus In WordPress 2024

In this video and blog post, I want to show you how to create Menus in WordPress 2024. So I am on one of my websites here; you can see that I have on my top navigation bar home, about me and privacy policy. I’m going to show you how to create and add some posts to the menu. I have previous videos and blog posts on creating menus here. You can see my video of how to create Menus in WordPress 2024 below.
Let’s Navigate To The Dashboard
You obviously need to be logged in to be able to get to the WordPress dashboard. Once you are logged in, if you navigate to appearance and then to Menus, this will take you to the required area. You can see the existing menu that I have already created. I’m going to change the menu name to “Top Navigation”.
We need to go to the area on the left-hand side of the page that says posts, as we are currently on pages. I’m then going to “view all”. I’m going to then check the post called “arrested again for praying” and I will then click on add to menu. You can now see that this has been added to our menu structure. I want to change the name, so if we click on the arrow, it will enable me to rename the category within the menu. I can change this to “News Items”. The menu can now be saved.

Sorting The Menu
We can sort the menu to any order that is required just by left-clicking on any menu and then dragging it up or down, depending on where it is required. Once again, you need to save the menu once you have sorted the menu. So will now go back to posts and view all. I’m going to add another post to my menu. Let’s use “Bank Bullies Vicar”, I’m going to click on the add to menu button, which will immediately put it with my other menu categories. I’m going to drag “Bank Bullies Vicar” slightly to the right, which will make this item a subcategory of “News Items”. Let’s do exactly the same with another blog post and make it a subcategory of “News Items”. Once again, I can click on “News Items” and drag it to whichever position I prefer.

Let’s Create Another New Menu
I’m going to create another menu item now, this one will be called “Devotionals”. Once again I can change the name of the menu category to whatever I want. I can move the “Devotionals” to wherever I want to within the menu and so forth. Once again, I need to save the menu.

Let’s View Our New Menu
So let’s now go back to the website and have a look at the menu navigation. As you can see, nothing has changed yet, as I have the website open in a different tab. However, once I have refreshed the website, the menu will appear. You can see the new menu and the drop-down menus that have more than one post attached to them.

To Conclude
The menu can be changed at any time, you can remove and add and reposition the menu, just through a few clicks. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment on the YouTube video, I do try and respond to questions.